YHLO Japan Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") recognizes the protection of personal information in its business activities as a corporate responsibility and has established the following privacy policy to protect personal information.

1. Name, Address, and Representative of the Company

1-22-13 Akebonocho, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo 190-0012

2. Compliance with Relevant Laws and Guidelines

The Company complies with the Personal Information Protection Law, other laws, and guidelines issued by the Personal Information Protection Commission and other bodies to properly handle personal data.

3. Acquisition and Use of Personal Information

When acquiring personal information, the Company will publicize or notify the purpose of use (including publication under this policy), and when acquiring personal information directly from the individual via contract or other documents (including electronic records), it will specify the purpose of use in advance and acquire the information through proper and fair means.
The Company will use personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the specified purposes.

4. Purposes for Using Personal Information

The Company uses personal information for the following purposes:

⑴ Personal information related to customers:

  • Identity verification and personal authentication
  • Response, confirmation, and recording of customer inquiries, consultations, complaints, repairs, and support
  • Improvement and enhancement of product development and other services
  • Advertising and information provision about products, services, and campaigns via mailings, emails, etc.
  • Viewing, changing, deleting customer's registration information, and viewing usage status
  • Purposes related to the above

⑵ Personal information related to business partners (and their employees in case of corporate customers):

  • Necessary business communications, contract fulfillment, negotiations, etc.
  • Management of partner information

⑶ Personal information of job applicants:

  • Communication and information provision to job applicants and other uses necessary for recruitment activities

⑷ Personal information of employees:

  • Business communication with employees
  • Payment of compensation (wages, bonuses, allowances, etc.), personnel and labor management, provision of welfare benefits
  • Health management of employees

5. Shared Use of Personal Information

The Company shares personal data of customers, agents, and employees with its parent company, YHLO, and its subsidiaries, for the purposes listed under "Purposes for Using Personal Information."
The Company is responsible for managing the shared use.

6. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company will not provide personal information to third parties except in the following cases:

  • When prior consent has been obtained from the customer.
  • When outsourcing is necessary within the scope needed to achieve the purposes of use.
  • When required by law.
  • When necessary to protect a person's life, body, or property and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent.
  • When particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the healthy development of children and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent.
  • When necessary to cooperate with a national or local public entity in executing laws and obtaining the customer's consent would impede the execution of the affairs.
  • When providing to those listed as joint users in the above item 5.

7. Security Management Measures

The Company implements necessary and appropriate security measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal data and conducts necessary and appropriate supervision over employees and outsourced parties (including subcontractors) who handle personal data.

8. Requests for Disclosure of Personal Information

When there are requests for inquiry, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc., of personal information, the Company will promptly respond after verifying the identity of the individual through prescribed procedures. If you have questions about this privacy policy or wish to exercise your rights, please contact the inquiry contact listed in section 9.

9. Enquiry

For questions or complaints regarding the handling of personal data by the Company, please contact the following:

Corporate Administration
1-22-13 Akebonocho, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo 190-0012